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eBook Catalogue

Gutenberg Project: Project Gutenberg Index


Digital Books and Your Rights: A Checklist for Readers | Electronic Frontier Foundation  February 2010

電子書論壇  台灣數位出版聯盟協會

Barnes & Noble -eBooks 

Scribd電子書 網站 

美星外文數字圖書館 (American Star Digital Library (需 註冊收費)

A Library Primer

The Access

AMS Books Online 美國數學學會電子書

ARTFL (Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language, University of Chicago) e-Print archive e-Print archive mirror 電子書 2006.06.0

Bartleby Library:

bliomania - Free Online Literature and Study Guides

Blackwell Reference Online

Book of Hours (Brandeis Libraries Special Collections )

Building the New Library Network 

Bulfinch's Mythology
Thomas Bulfinch's famous book is now online, chapter-by-chapter!

CADAL 高等學校中英文圖書 數字化國際合作計劃 - 古籍範圍
「中英文圖書數字化國際合作計劃 CADAL」是由大陸國家計委、教育部、財政部於 2002 9 月時,將其列入公共服務體系建設的重要組成部分,並由浙江大學及中國科學院研究生院等 單 位共同承擔

Cambridge eBook Collections  劍橋大學出版社將推 出 Ebooks Collections
為 了回應來自學術機構對數字資源的不斷增長需求,劍橋大學出版社將於200712月推出其特有的電子書產品 Cambridge eBook CollectionsCambridge Collections 將包括基於主題的收藏電子書刊,這些電子書刊出售之後可永久供多人無限次同時使用。僅向亞太地區推出的 Cambridge eBook Collections 的首次發布將包括關於人文、科學和商務方面的特別收藏書籍。

Canciones de mi Padre: Spanish Folksongs from Southern Arizona

Caxton's Canterbury Tales: The British Library Copies

Carl Van Vechten Photograph ExhibitBrandeis Libraries Special Collections )

City and Book, Florence,
'The City and the Book' in Florence, and will hold a third,publishing the Proceedings on the Web in two languages: the first, 'TheAlphabet, the Bible',,
 the second, 'The Manuscript, the Miniature', at,
 the third on Risorgimento writers and sculptors buried here,

Cornell University Library Historical Mathematics Monographs康乃爾大學圖書館數學電子書

Concordances of Great Books
Features online searchable indexes of 86 authors and 200 full texts. It indexes not only religious works, but a fine selection of American, European, and Classical literature texts, including the works of Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Bronte sisters, Tacitus, Melville, William Blake, Oscar Wilde, Gibbon, George Eliot, and many others. Users can search full text and display a specified length of surrounding text.

ebooks digital books from COOLERBOOKS

Christian Classics Ethereal Library2007.07.11
The mission of the CCEL is to build up the church by making classic Christian writings available and promoting their use.

Cytale網上圖 書館   
目前圖書館已跟法國二十多家出版商達成合作協議﹐期 望明年初為讀者提供一千本書目。

DailyLit: Read books by email and RSS2007.05.26
這 個新網站把經典小說uH連載方式傳送一小篇到你的掌上設備,或每天早晨傳至你的電子郵件信箱。你也可任選傳送的時間,而且這項服務不收費。   Dailylit.com傳的電子郵件文學可在五分鐘內讀完。Jules Verne著的《環游世界八十天》(Around the World in 80 Days)分成82篇,托爾斯泰的《安娜卡列妮娜》( Anna Karenina)分成430段,每個工作日讀一點,讀完可能需要將近兩年的時間。   DailyLit共同創辦人Albert Wenger說:本公司的讀者包括像我們這樣的人,也就是每天花數小時處理電子郵件,卻抽不 出空來好好讀一本書的人。 這個網站20075月推出,提供大約370本經典名著供讀者選讀,之前這項服務已試辦數月之久。Wenger接受路透社訪問時表示,目前為止已有五萬人 注冊。

Dawsonera 電子書 試用至99416日,試用帳 號:ntnu1 試用密碼:ntnutry1 
電子書系統目前收錄超過75,000種電子書,主題廣泛,包括:文學、科學、醫學、社會科學等範圍,合作之出版社 界超過 175個。 

Digital Collections | National Library of Australia
To provide users with easy online access to some of Australia’s most significant cultural materials, the National Library digitises selected items in its collections. We invite you to discover our digitised collections.

Digital Book Index  
Digital Book Index
提供超過 69,000 筆書目資料,蒐錄1,800出版社及私人出版組織,電子書的主題含蓋各學科及參考性的書 籍,如:字典、百科全書、索引典等,並蒐集超過 25,000 個公共檔案記錄,可以免費提供。

Digital Scholarship Publications Overview

DjVu and You!    有關DjVu電子書閱讀軟體

DjVuLibre: Open Source DjVu library and viewer

the DjVu format has an advantage over just about anything else in that there is an open source implementation.  The project, DjVuLibre, is a result of Lizardtech opening the source code after they acquired it from AT&T.   The open source code will compile on just about anything, including MacOSX. 

eBook Connections eBooks Download is the best free ebooks download library. It's the open directory for free ebooks and download links, and the best place to read ebook

Ebook Library (EBL) 
Ebook Library (EBL)
為澳洲之電子書系統,目前收錄超過28,000種電子書,內容涵蓋建築、藝術、商業、經濟、電腦科學、戲劇、教育、衛生、歷史、法律、文學、數學、醫學、 音樂、哲學、政治、心理、宗教、自然科學、社會科學、運動、科技等主題。使用者登入系統後,可查詢書名、關鍵字、作者、國際標準書號等欄位,或瀏覽各主題 收錄之圖書。 < >專門報導電子書的研發、系統和技術。

E-books and Their Future in Academic Libraries:An Overview D-Lib Magazine
July/August 2001

e-Books for the Future: Here but Hiding?   Ariadne Issue 49 October 2006 
Brian Whalley outlines some developments in e-book technologies and links them to existing ways of presenting textbook

E-Books: It's About Evolution, Not Revolution /Karen Coyle -- 10/15/2003 

E-Book Reader & PDA

Ebook Search - Pdf Search Engine 檢 索PDF格式圖書、論文的好網站

E-Book Technology and Its Potential Applications in Distance Education

EBONI: Electronic Books ON-screen Interface 

Electronic Book Evaluation Project
the "Electronic Book Evaluation Project." All of the information that was on that website, along with its associated Librarian's eBook Newsletter, has been moved to this new location, as part of the University of Rochester Libraries website.

Ebook Library at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia< >  維吉尼亞大學電子文 本中心The Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia

Electronic Texts and Publishing (Library of Congress)


Electronic Full-Text Sources (EFTS)芝加哥大學
EFTS provides the primary means of access to, as well as information on, full-text scholarly resources available at the University of Chicago. Texts are arranged by language, subject, and searching interface. EFTS, unlike EOS, does not point to digital facsimiles of texts; rather, it directs patrons to "searchable" encoded texts and texts where one finds added value through hypertext links and the like.

English Online Resources -- Electronic Text Center (University of Virginia)

EOS (Electronic Open Stacks) 芝 加哥大學
EOS is the University of Chicago Library's home for image-based texts. The University's digital reformatting projects can be found under EOS as well as other digital facsimile projects, both commercial and public domain, such as Early English Books Online and Gallica. EOS offerings are not full-text searchable; such texts can be found within EFTS.

ETS (Electronic Text Services) 芝 加哥大學< >
The English Server has been publishing humanities texts online since 1990. It offers over 27,000 works, covering a wide range of interests, e.g. art, architecture, drama, fiction, poetry, history, political theory, cultural studies, philosophy, women's studies and music. Users can browse or search the full text of their public collection.


EuroDocs:Primary Historical Documents From Western Europe --
Selected Transcriptions, Facsimiles and Translations
< >
這是Brigham Young University搜集到的西洋史料全文資料庫節點,資料非常豐富。

EU Bookshop 歐盟推出數位圖書館 免費公開官方檔案

歐洲聯盟(EuropeanUnion)假全世界規模最大的法蘭克福書展,推出歐盟書城(EU Bookshop)數位圖書館,將超過50年的文件以約50種語言在網際網路上供免費取用。 據法新社報導,北自瑞典南到保加利亞山區,不論是個人、公司或獨立圖書館,以及從澳洲到非洲尚比亞的每個人,都能下載自1952年以來的檔案文件。擁有 27成員國的歐盟在當年只有6國。 多語事務執委奧班(Leonard Orban)今天在法蘭克福書展上對法新社說,數位圖 書館使歐盟所有法律和文化出版物全然透明。 數位圖書館保有的年代最古老文件是莫奈(JeanMonnet)為歐盟前身「煤鋼共同體最高公署」揭幕時的演說詞。 從成立之初的4種官方語言,歐盟至今官方語言達23種,除此之外一些文件也同時以中文、俄文等其他20種語言出版。 < >
A free searchable archive of published articles from over 300 magazines and journals dating back to 1998. The journals are on a wide range of subjects such as arts, entertainment, business, finance, computers, health and sports. Most of the articles are in full-text format and can be viewed, printed or e-mailed.

Findbook 買書變成更 簡單的決定 - 書籍搜尋, 書籍比價

可線上免費閱覽日文 電子書的 Flib.jp網站  使用說明2007.10.28

FreeBooks4Doctors (免費醫學電子書600 )*依類目排*依字母順序排

Free Books  
收集各式各樣的西文電子書連結。 is the internet #1 online source for free ebook downloads, ebook resources and ebook authors

Gemstar eBook< >   Gemstar eBook :Devices

Google 圖書搜尋

Google數位圖 書館與免費電子書-產業策略評析 (財團法 人國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心--科技產業資訊室)

Glassbook Reader - ebook reader

Gallica, bibliotheque numerique de la Bibliotheque nationale de France
法 國國家圖書館旗下的Gallica數位圖書館,因此成了法蘭西政府對抗英語霸權、力爭文化多元性的數位堡壘。 Gallica目前共有9萬本書籍、8萬多幅圖像以及數千小時的影音檔案,資料涵括中世紀以降至20世紀初的藏品,普魯斯特、福樓拜、卡繆都列名其中,除 法文作品,也包括部分國外經典的原文或譯本。較特殊的是館藏的善本書、與北京國家圖書館和大英圖書館合作的敦煌計畫,以及18世紀法國作曲家樂譜的數位資 料。其中最受矚目的是多媒體的檔案,尤其是珍貴且豐富的圖像資源。

Harvard University Library: Open Collections Program美國哈佛大學開放館藏計劃
The goal of the Open Collections Program (OCP) of Harvard University Library is to increase the availability of historical resources from Harvard's library and museum collections for purposes of teaching, learning, and research -- both at Harvard and around the world. Harvard University established the Open Collections Program 2002, with funding from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The program has received subsequent support from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and The Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund, and will continue to build topic-based digital collections from across Harvard's repositories.

Helmut Hirsch Exhibit

Hispanic Tucson : A History by Gus Chavez

宣布在2001年將推出100本電子書,這項計畫將在2月由諾貝爾文學獎得主高行健的『靈山』開始,HarperCollins表示現在電子書平台軟體和 著作權的保護機制,適合電子書的發展環境已經促成,同時HarperCollins也指出,電子書也將成為作者重要的版權收入。

HathiTrust 數位典藏計畫

HighWire eBook Survey - One hundred thirty-eight librarians  

Honore Daumier Lithographs
This digitized collection of Honoré Daumier lithographs has been made possible by a 2001 Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) grant. The grant covers a two-year period from October 2001 to September 2003. To read the grant proposal, click here: IMLS grant proposal.

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation

Judaic Digital Library  chiangyitai
Varda Books, a Skokie-based publisher of digital Judaica is pleased to announce the release of Judaic Digital Library. Unlike most of online digital libraries using HTML or PDF for presentation of their material, Judaic Digital Library is using a Secure Searchable Image Format (SSIF) something that allows flexible publishing of authoritative digital editions of books without the need for installation of plug-ins. As a result, the Library can be used on almost any computer behind any firewall. Another remarkable element in the use of this technology is the extremely low cost of file conversion and preparation. Publishers Row provides a service to publishers and libraries that enables them to create their own online digital libraries using SSIF technology.

Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that was founded to build an Internet library, with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format. Founded in 1996 and 
located in the Presidio of San Francisco, the Archive has been receiving data donations from Alexa Internet and others. In late 1999, the organization started to grow to include more well-rounded collections. Now the Internet Archive includes textsaudiomoving images, and software as well as archived web pages in our collections.

Internet Classics Archive   網路古典名著

International Children’s Digital Library, ICDL國際兒童網路圖書館
此 網站由美國馬里蘭大學和非營利組織「網路檔案」公司(Internet Archive)建置完成。 目前館藏已有將近八百多本的兒童圖書,包含33種語文,提供313歲的電子兒童讀物,由全國的圖書館、作家及出版社選出。 所收藏的圖書都以圖書原貌掃描,可點選閱讀全文。

IPL-Online Texts : 彙總網路上可免費使用的電子書,可依作者、書名或杜威十進分類 法(Dewey Decimal Classification, DDC)的類目查詢。

Internet Archive已啟用了一個線上的「開放圖書館   Open Library 開張 (Library Views圖書館觀點) 2007.07.19
人們可以在Open Library網站下載這15本展示性的數位書籍,然後在家裡自由地列印觀看。

IR@RUG - University of Groningen 荷 蘭 Groningen大學機構典藏,有許多電子書

Kizclub-Learning Resources for Kids兒童電子書

Knovel Online Interactive Books and Database< >

LC21: A Digital Strategy for the Library of Congress< > 
by National Research Council Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (page images at NAP) 

Library Services in Theory and Context, 2nd Edition : /Buckland, Michael

LibraryThing | Catalog your books online

Literature @ SunSITE

LibriVox : 免費有聲電子書
Provides free audiobooks from the public domain. LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain, and then releases the audio files back onto the net (podcast and catalog). The objective is to make all books in the public domain available, for free, in audio format on the internet. Librivox is a totally volunteer, open source, free content, public domain project. 
是個提供免費有聲書的網站,所提供的有聲書主要是為 公共領域 (public domain) 的書籍。除了提供檔案直接下載,也提供 podcast 服務及圖書目錄。 LibriVox 的內容主要是由志願者所製作及貢獻,目標是希望可以將所有公共領域的書籍製作成有聲書,並免費提供給各界下載。 (Library Views)

Making of America (MOA) (University of Michigan) 1800-1925年美國歷史,教育,宗教,心理學,

MBooks - Michigan Digitization Project
The University of Michigan and Google, Inc. have entered into a ground-breaking partnership to digitize the entire print collection of the University Library. The digitized collection, called MBooks, is searchable in the library catalog, Mirlyn, as well as in the Google Book Search. Full-text of works that are out of copyright or in the public domain are available.

Memoware---The PDA Document Repository< >   提供500萬本免費的電子書供下載

Microsoft Reader : ebook reader

Microsoft Reader Catalog of eBooks

Midwest Book Review

Million Book Project [The Universal Library, U.S. site],
Carnegie Mellon Libraries: Libraries: Million Book Project FAQ

Universal Digital Library(UDL)「環球數位圖書館」
一 項由全球幾座大型圖書館聯手支持的藏書掃描計畫27日宣布,已完成大約150萬冊著作的數位化,並將免費提供民眾閱讀。 這座「環球數位圖書館」(Universal Digital LibraryUDL) 將提供全文下載服務,但只限著作物屬公共版權(public domain)者,或是已獲著作權人應允授權者。 這項線上計畫已獲得國際知名機構支持,例如位於埃及的亞歷山大圖書館(Bibliotheca Alexandrina)。這座數位圖書館的館藏遠超出經典名著的範疇之外。 UDL智財權總監暨卡內基美隆大學電腦科學教授Michael Shamos說:「查Google,你找不到逾90萬本中文著作。 事實上,Google、微軟和UDL的圖書掃描計畫差別甚大。 舉例來說,UDL對使用者人數多寡毫不在乎。儘管藏書量大、內文又容易下載,可能 吸引大批尋找免費電子書的使用者前來挖寶,但這座數位圖書館提供大量的冷 門著作,而這些書可能只有一小撮學術界人士或特定愛好者感興趣。 Shamos說:「如果你感興趣的主題是古代射箭術,而邦諾書店(Barnes & Noble)的庫存書又找不到你要看的,那麼你來UDL可能找得著。」 最重要的是,UDL的宗旨是為全人類保存著作,而不是著眼於點閱人氣。 他說:「記得塔利班接管阿富汗時,炸毀被他們視作異端的雕像嗎?雕像毀了就不復存在了。然而,一但把著作數位化,儲存在全球各地的伺服器,任何政權就無法 把這些書焚毀。一旦數位化,它們就永存不朽。」 這項計畫已持續五年,發起人兼計畫總監是卡內基美隆大學電腦科學及機械人教授Raj Reddy。計畫贊助者包括國家科學基金會(National Science Foundation)、卡內基 美隆大學,以及亞歷山大圖書館,主導者是中國的浙江大學和印度科學理工學院。另外,中國幾所大學院校,和八所印度大學,也 共襄盛舉。 UDL與其他書籍掃描計畫的另一大差異在於格式。由於這是一項大規模計畫,書籍由不同國家組成的團隊分頭掃描,所以採用的格式不只一種。UDL的書籍目前 用的開放格式包括:HTMLTIFFDjVu (發音deja vu),替代常見的PDF格式。 若把著作權撇開不談,所有的書籍都數位化並加以索引編目。仍受版權保護的著作,只提供摘要。就連早已解散的出版社,如果著作權歸屬不明,也還是列入受著作 權保護的項目,以確保不會產生侵權問題。

Internet Archive: Million Book Project   Internet Archive
Pioneered by Jaime Carbonell, Raj Reddy, Michael Shamos, Gloriana St Clair, and Robert Thibadeau of Carnegie Mellon University, the goal of The Million Book Project is to digitize a million books by 2005. The task will be accomplished by scanning the books and indexing their full text with OCR technology. The undertaking will create a free-to-read, searchable digital library the approximate size of the combined libraries at Carnegie Mellon University, and one much bigger than the holdings of any high school library. The pilot Thousand Book Project has already been successfully completed and can be accessed here.

CADAL 高等學校中英文圖書數字化國際合作計劃 - 古籍項目

高等學校中英文圖 書數字化國際合作計劃

Morgan & Claypool Publishers電子書資料庫

Movable Type 完全手冊

My Media Mall 有聲圖書館
Download best selling digital books 24/7 to your PC and PDA at home, in the office or from anywhere in the world. Now your library never closes!

MyiLibrary eBook Platform   產品介紹
為整合式之電子書平台,已收錄250家知名學術出版社的電子書,包括Springer, Elsevier, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Taylor and Francis, John Wiley, McGraw Hill, Palgrave Macmillan, Blackwell等等,目前提供有涵蓋各學科的6萬本以上電子書,可對所有內文進行全文檢索。(顯示全文後,請按滑鼠右鍵可單頁print或將文字圖表 copy-pasteWord, Excel and PowerPoint檔案內)
涵蓋理、工、農、醫、文、史、哲 等領域的近100,000 多本電子書 ,並且每個星期均有新增書籍。其中收錄了一些世界領先的國際政府組織出版的完整會議紀錄、年鑑、期刊等,如世界衛生組織、國際勞動組織、國際原子能機構和 世界銀行等。 MyiLibrayr電子書提供Blackwell PublishingOxford University PressCRC PressSAGE PublicationsSpringerTaylor & Francis IOS PressMcGraw-Hill Publishing等出版社之出版品;涵蓋學科領域則有音樂美術、歷史地理、哲學、自然科 學、醫藥科學、農業科學、社會科學、心理、數學、物理、科技、 教育、軍事科學等。
一般瀏覽:可經由主題、出版社、書名進行瀏覽 。
個人化功能:可線上申請個人帳密,之後以個人帳密登入可使用個人書籤、複製專 案、提醒功能、即時報告等個人化功能。

National Academy Press
The National Academies Press (NAP)
以出版教科書為 主,提供約有 2500 冊可免費線上閱覽的電子書。NAP每年出版約200本有關科學、工程、健康及其相關政策等方面的書籍。Provides the full images of over 1,500 recent and prepublication books from the NAP, which publishes works from National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council. Users may browse titles by subject or conduct a keyword search. Covers a great variety of science and engineering subjects.

NetLibrary電 子圖書館 

電子圖書館提供豐富的電子 書,包括專業、學術及研究的出版品收錄300家出版社,61, 572ebook titles,電子書可選擇線上閱讀。  

國中圖 - NetLibrary電子書借閱服務

 NetLibrary 有聲書 Libraries, listeners quick to adopt new Downloadable Audiobooks  2005.03.16
NetLibrary/Recorded Books
數位有 聲圖書      Recorded Books, LLC

NetLibrary [OCLC - eContent]< >   
netLibrary eBook collection reaches 60,000-title milestone (Now Featuring 61,572 Titles)
With the addition of new content from HarperCollins, Taylor & Francis, John Wiley & Sons, McGraw-Hill Professional and other leading publishers, the netLibrary collection has grown to include more than 60,000 eBook titles. Certain Ideas of France: Essays On French History and Civilization, published by Greenwood Press, was the 60,000th title loaded to the site. To view more new titles, or search our complete collection, login to
TitleSelect. netLibrary is a division of OCLC.

NetLibrary  nlmember/nl0820@@ TEBNET電子書聯盟網站

NIST and NISO's EBook 2000 Conference and Show

NLA Australian Newspapers beta 澳 大利亞國家圖書館數位化報紙
This digitised newspaper service offered by the National Library of Australia does include user tagging and OCR text correction

No Shelf Required: E-Books in Libraries Edited by Sue Polanka Item Number: 978-0-8389-1054-2

OCR書城-The ORC Book City (大陸簡體) -線上書籍搜索,包括武俠小說、言情小說、科幻小說幽默小品等各類書籍線上瀏覽服務。

Ongoing Hypertext Projects

On-Line Books Page

Open Book Alliance:  MicrosoftYahoo 等組織所組成的

Open eBook  

Open Directory - Computers: E-Books

Oxford Scholarship Online   免費檢索,可免費看書目及摘要
Brochure Oxford Scholarship Online
Oxford Scholarship Online Demonstration - OSO
OSO PowerPoint Presentation (osodemo.ppt 2.4MB) - OSO
檢索導覽 PowerPoint
收錄牛津大學出版社(Oxford University Press)超過750本 之學術叢書 (教科書),主題範圍包括哲學(Philosophy)宗教(Religion)政治科 學(Political Science)經濟學 和財政(Economics and Finance)等四大社會科學領域之嶄新學術論著250,000,超 過一億字(100 million words),紙版總值 GBP32,000英磅(近兩百萬新台幣)往後每年將次第增刊200種。每一種圖書各章節之關鍵詞及摘要,大多數由原始作家撰寫。同時亦提供參考書目與附註之 連結。主題中之摘要(Abstracts)及關鍵詞(keywords)並與EBSCOOCLCIngentaProQuest等 主要電子期刊摘要檢索系統互聯。每一圖書及章節皆具各自之數位資料辨別碼 -DOI (Digital Object Identifiers)

PalmPilot E-Text Archives

Peanut Press

Project Bartleby Archive (Columbia University)

Project Gutenberg Index 世界名著 資料庫

Princeton East Asian Library Digitized Medical Texts 普 林斯頓大學葛思德東亞圖書館醫學電子書
The East Asian Library of Princeton University has for the past few years been engaged in the digitization of some of its rare books, most recently as part of a
 Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation-funded cooperative project with the Harvard-Yenching Library of Harvard University and the Fu Sinian Library of the Academia Sinica.

現有65,000/篇圖書及期刊論文,收錄學科主要以人文及社會科學為主,旨提供大學生及學者研究報告及論文寫作相關之圖書及期刊資料。 預計三年內達到 250,000 種之圖書及期刊資源。
收費政策:採個人訂閱方式,訂閱費率分為:$0/7days7天免費 *月訂費美金19.95元,每季訂費$44.95/Quarter,年訂費美金99.95元。訂閱者在訂期內可無限次使用線上查尋及閱讀Questia之 全部館藏,可單頁印出資料,或複製(Copy)文字、書目資料等轉貼(Paste)至文書處理軟體之文件上(Word),但無法下載及儲存全文。非訂閱者可免費上線查尋Questia館藏,但無法取閱全文。(取自淡江大學圖書館)

Renta 日本線上漫畫書

Redesigning Library Services: A Manifesto/Buckland, Michael.

Reader's E-Book Primer

Rocket eBook - ebook reader

Roman de la Rose Digital Library
the Roman de la Rose Digital Library, a joint project of the Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins University and the Bibliothèque nationale de France. The creation of this resource and the digitization of the manuscripts from the Bibliothèque nationale de France was made possible through generous support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The goal of the Roman de la Rose Digital Library is to create a digital library of all extant manuscript copies of the Roman de la Rose, of which at least 270 are known to exist. We expect to have full digital surrogates of about 150 of these manuscripts available here by the end of 2009. 
 We are using the Fedora repository software and the eRez/FSI image serving and viewer software with locally developed customizations

Science Dissemination Using Open Access:

Scholarly Monograph Series 
The SPO Scholarly Monograph Series is an interdisciplinary collection of original, open-access scholarly monographs and essays published by the
Scholarly Publishing Office of the University of Michigan Library. Since 2001, members of the University of Michigan faculty and the Library have been working together to explore new models and methods for publication. These electronic books are some of the achievements of that collaboration.

SoftBook - ebook reader

Searching for a Good Searching Book?

Shakespeare's First Folio Online < >(Brandeis Libraries Special Collections )

Shakespeare's Complete Works Collection 莎士比亞作品全集》

Show PD works found in Google Books sorted by author

SPO Scholarly Monograph Series


The American Verse Project

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

The eBook Directory

The Electronic Text Collection at the University of Virginia

The Electronic Archive of Early American Fiction: Mellon Foundation; University of Virginia Library 早 期美國小說

The Electronic Book Exchange (EBX) Working Group

The Electronic Library

The English Server

The Europeana< > - Connecting Cultural Heritage 歐洲數位圖書 館
由多家歐洲國立圖書館與檔案館共同籌畫的歐洲數位圖書館(Europeana)亦將於20081120正式開幕,提供書 籍、影片、繪畫、報紙、錄音檔 等文史資料供民眾查閱,其中包括奧地利國圖提供的莫札特書信,法國國圖亦將提供莫札特早期作品。
在剛剛開通的幾個小時之內,就出現系統崩潰的情況。這是因為建設者對網民的熱情估計不足,訪問量遠 遠超過可支撐的設計容量,令網站服務器超負荷運轉,以至 於Europeana不得不暫時「閉 館」。1224日,經過維修的Europeana 重新開放。目前網站 服務器的流量與之前相比已經提高了四倍。

The European Digital Library,      The European Library - v1.4   歐洲數位圖書館

由 法國國家圖書館館長大力倡議,為與Google Library(已改稱Google Books Search)相抗衡而成立的歐洲數位圖書館(以下簡稱Europeana),在20074月已啟用。收錄合計約有超過12,000筆無著作權之公共財 產資料。檢索介面以法文為主,對於不懂法文的使用者就有點不順手。可直接查詢,同時提供以時代(可分為16世紀51筆資料,17世紀156筆資料,18世 紀653筆資料,19世紀5,629筆資料,20世紀1,527筆資料)、語文(分為法語、義大利語、匈牙利語、拉丁語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語...等八種 語文)及典藏單位(收錄法國國家圖書館7,128筆資料、匈牙利國家圖書館4,143筆資料及葡萄牙國家圖書館1,041筆資料之館藏)來瀏覽,另外也提 供10大類的主題瀏覽查詢。檢索結果可在線上逐頁閱讀,也可整本書列印、 下載或郵件傳送。或許有人將EuropeanaGoogle Books Search來比較,兩者試用之後,Europeana目前是收錄copyright-free的文獻,因此皆可下載保存。而Google Books Search是與圖書館及出版社合作,因此 資 料遠超過Europeana,但檢索結果不是都可下載保存,有些只能線上瀏覽部分頁數,Full view books 的書也只能線上瀏覽,只有部份copyright-free才有提供PDF下載。但是,Google Books Search提供許多加值的功能是 Europeana所沒有的,最重要的是Google已有中文的資料了。 面對EuropeanaGoogle競相進行圖書的數位化的工程,讀者透過網際網路即可輕鬆取的難得一見的圖書資料,圖書館界應該好好思考,如何利用此 資源,延申館藏收藏的範圍,提供更廣大的圖書資訊服務。(姜義臺)
An initial installment in the French & European response to Google's Digital Library effort now is online, and it is impressive: [tr. JK] "Europeana, the French contribution to the European Digital Library... Europeana is a prototype digital library developed by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, for the European Digital Library project. 
"Europeana offers approximately 12,000 copyright-free documents from the BnF, the Széchényi National Library of Hungary, and the National Library of Portugal.
"Search, Use, Personalize... a large assortment of tools and services, for doing research about or within a book, for reading, for printing and downloading documents, and for creating one's own personal library... 
"To make your own suggestions, complete the online questionnaire..." 
-- there even is a "Ma bibliothèque" feature, the little green box in the upper right corner, offering, 
* "My homepage" * "My documents" * "Mes étiquettes" [wonderfully un-translate-able] -- "An étiquette allows you to mark the pages of the documents which you choose..." -- placemarks, then, maybe even underlining, and notes?... -- Yes! You set up an account, "download" a document to it, then use the software to make your notes, which reappear every time you log in... 
The initial interface is simple and clear: a "Onebox", in fact, for the intuitively-inclined - via which "kessler" currently pulls up fully 30 short-format entries, 10 per page -- there were lots of Kesslers and Koestlers and Keszlers and Köstlers, back in 19th c. Hungary, and the Széchényi must offer quite a few of those, mostly normalized to "Kessler" -- one Keszler too though, I see, plus 10 Koestlers - and "Köstler" interestingly pulls up one "LE COMTE KOSTIA", one "Comte Kostla", a "Kôstler", and a "Der Kirchun Josu kostl". 
So I suppose the Onebox is looking at everything OCR'd, then: very useful for certain types of searching, but I wonder how that will scale up to a really large collection?... searching the whole BnF's digitized fulltext, bibliographies and footnotes and all, non-indexed, on a string such as *hugo*... 
The entries retrieved offer a promising-looking term frequency statistic -- also, beneath that, a relevance ranking composed of slider-bar plus percentage, i.e.,

The History of Herodotus(by Herodotus) 西洋史學之父希羅多德的名著《歷史》英譯本

The Human-Language Page 人類語言

The On-Line Books Page< >   Books On-line: Complete List by Title

"The People's Attorney": The Life of Louis D. Brandeis, 1856-1941Brandeis Libraries Special Collections )

The Institute For Advanced Interdisciplinary Research--Classic Etexts Book-List

The Internet Classics Archive: 441 searchable works of classical literature

The Literature Network: Online literature for the student, educator, and enthusiast.

The New York Public Library, The Branch Libraries - eBook Basics - eAudio紐約圖書館有聲書< >2005.06.14

The Victorian Women Writers Project

Taylor & Francis eBookstore - The Place for eBooks Online

The Treasure Chest of Fun & Fact 天 主教漫畫書2005.07.17
The Treasure Chest of Fun & Fact was a Catholic comic book published by George A. Pflaum and provided to Catholic parochial school students between 1946 and 1972. 
The Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact digital collection is an ongoing project that will include fifteen of the first eighteen volumes running from 1946 to 1963. Volumes 1-3, 5-12, and 15 have been digitized (Volumes 4, 13 and 14 are missing), with later volumes being added as they become ready.

Turning the pages on the Web, from the British Library.可以線上翻書的感覺 
You'll need Macromedia Shockwave for that, which you can get from their site.

Turning the Pages, the British Library
makes use of the  page-turning functionality,the British Library’s Turning the Pages system, which for book display [rather than search] is the most lavish and effective available.

Tumble TalkingBooks有聲書

Tumble Readables 電子書

Turning the Pages: the British Library
大 英圖書館已經開始將一些古籍繕本放上網路,希望能有更多人接觸到這些珍版書。為了執行此一典籍數位化計畫,圖書館採用了一個稱為Turning the Pages的軟體,可讓網友在線上很自然地閱讀。此一Turning the Pages軟體可讓網友用原來的出版格式作用讀。目前,館方已經將20本左右的古籍輸入Turning the Pages軟體中,網友閱讀時會很像實際翻閱這本書籍的感受。

udn數位閱讀網 < >2006.03.23

University of California Press eScholarship Editions
提 供650U of California Press 出版品的電子版,因著作權法的限制, 只有351種開放公眾使用, 其他限加大師生使用,預計今秋供公眾使用的電子書可增加至400餘種。主題包括 art, science, history, music, religion, natural history, and fiction. 相關報導請參見:

University of Pennsylvania Library / schoenberg center for electronic text & image

UT Library Online-Books on the Internet
這 是被提供連線到網際網路上的本文收集網站的德克薩斯州的大學支援的 megasite。 它註解得好,而且種類包括古典作品,電腦書,外國的語言, 文獻在英國語,哲學和宗教中, 和詩。 頁清楚地只指示 UT 奧斯汀使用者可用的免費可接近的網站和那些。 如果你不能查找什麼你需要在頁在上面列出, 嘗試這個網站。 

World eBook Library Consortia  世界eBook 圖書館財團
World’s largest eBook Consortia Housed in World eBook Library Multi-Terabyte server network is the world's largest digital archive of PDF eBooks and eDocuments. Our collection hosts more than 100,000+ PDF eBooks and eDocuments. As a member you will have complete access to the entire collection. Our collection is constantly growing. Our projection is to reach 150,000 by fall of 2005

World Public Library電子書
World Public Library
電子書資料庫目前可使用之電子書籍有75萬冊。 World Public Library的資源涵蓋廣闊,包含政治、科技、商業、人文、社會、環境、環 保等等,涵蓋125個專輯,超過100種語言。

World Digital Library世界數位圖書館

世界數位圖書館(The World Digital Library)網站訂2009421日在聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)總部所在地巴黎正式啟用,將提供全球讀者免費使用 珍貴的圖書、地圖、手抄 本、影片與照片等服務,是全球第三個大型數位圖書館。世界數位圖書館的館藏包羅萬象,從圖書到檔案都有,用戶可利用阿拉伯文、簡體中文、英文、法文、葡萄 牙文、俄文與西班牙文等七種核心語言搜尋,也有其他語言的素材。世界數位圖書館由聯合國教科文組織及32個公共團體共同成立,由全球規模最大圖書館美國國 會圖書館主導開發,希望年底前能和60國建立合作關係。但這並非全球首例,目前已有Google圖書搜尋(Google Book Search)和歐盟的Europeana。參與這項計畫的館藏與技術合作國家,從巴西到英國 的圖書館及文化機構都有,完全不預設任何立場。他們將無價的 文化素材數位化,讓讀者在網路上可免費取得,希望減少貧富的數位差距,充實網際網路上「非西方」的內容,以促進不同文化間的了解,並提供一個全球性的教學 資源。台灣的國家圖書館也在32個夥伴機構之列。2007年起,美國國會圖書館主動邀請國圖加入合作行列,提 供包含中華文化相關古典圖檔五筆以及台灣表徵 圖檔五筆,做為啟用典禮的範例。 世界數位圖書館的構想,最初是美國國會圖書館長畢靈頓(James Billington)於200566日向聯合國教科文組織發表演說時首度提出,主要是基 於資源共建共享的理念,希望把各國文化資產匯集於一個網站。 若論數位圖書館領域的先驅,非搜尋引擎龍頭Google莫屬。該公司於2004年推出圖書搜尋服務,Google稱其已掃描並上傳700萬本圖書到網站。歐盟去年11月隆重推出數位圖書館Europeana,免費提供460萬冊公共版權著作,到2010年結束運作 前,預訂可掃描並上傳約1,000萬筆項目,但和歐洲一般圖書館藏書至少25億本比起來,仍是九牛一毛。該網站目前每天吸引4萬人次造訪。

世界最大圖書館美國國會圖書館,已與聯合國教育科學文化組織(UNESCO)以及全球各地的圖書館聯手合作,進行一項目標遠大 的計畫,預定將珍貴無價的各 國文化資產數位化並建置上網。美國國會圖書館發言人拉莫里那拉告訴法新社記者:「一旦『世界數位圖書館』計畫開動,我們預期二零零八年末到二零零九年初, 如果你有電腦,你就可以上網連結到世界最大的圖書館。」他說:「加入會員將不收費,下載資料也是免費。我們將蒐集沒有版權的公共領域資料,這樣一來就不會 引起版權爭議。」
世界數位圖書館的計畫,是美國國會圖書館館長畢林頓的點子,他這個星期在巴黎出席這項計劃的原型網站啟動儀式。拉莫里那拉 說:「他在二零零五年六月首先對 UNESCO提出這個想法。畢林頓博士的想法是,邀集各國國家共 襄盛舉,將各國的文化資產匯集到一個全球組織,讓人們可以在這個組織裡,用多種語言接觸到 這些文化資產。」 世界數位圖書館的網址為  ,網站中的資料將以阿拉伯文,中文,英文,法文,葡萄牙文,俄文以及西班牙文呈現。

巴西國家圖書館,埃及亞歷山大圖書館與國家圖書館,法國國家圖書館,俄羅斯國家圖書館都已簽署這項合作計畫,成為夥伴。畢林 頓正在努力引進更多圖書館加入計畫。



